Earlier in the day Farrah Fawcett passed away after a long battle of bone cancer. More shocking, however was the death of Michael Jackson at the age of 50, weeks before he was to go on tour in the UK. We were huge fans in spite of the fact that his behavior seemed to get more bizarre as he got older. His ex-publicist claims that he's not surprised that Jackson passed away, saying that his talent was equally matched by behavior that was self destructive, and there is only so much stress that one body can take.
Unlike many celebrities, Michael Jackson was actually super talented. He had great music and was a fantastic performer, making everyone else look like amateurs. The choreographer of the Thriller video claimed that the dancers spent weeks practicing the dance moves in the video, while Jackson learned them in one day.
He wrote or co-wrote a lot of his own songs. With Lionel Richie, he co-wrote "We are the World" which sold over 20 million copies, with proceeds going to help famine relief in Africa. Thriller remained in the top ten for over 80 consecutive weeks, eventually going on to sell over 100 million copies. Bad and Dangerous each sold about 30 million copies. Off the Wall and the double disc HIStory sold 20 million copies each.
He was the 7th of 9 children and he's survived by all of his siblings and his parents who are both 79.